Anterior Cross-bite Case
- Intra-oral photos reveal late mixed dentition stage
- Class I molar relationship bilaterally
- Anterior cross-bite including upper central permanent incisors with mesio-in malposition (Pseudo Class III indicate early interference)
- Lower central permanent incisors show labial proclination with gingival recession
- Partially erupted upper permanent canines with a good roaming & path of eruption
- A mild shift of the lower midline 1mm to the right in centric occlusion
- Reverse over jet 1mm, both lower 1st permanent molars are carious in need for dental restoration fillings
Anterior cross-bite (Psuedo ClassIII)including upper permanent central incisors in lingual & mesio-in malposition.
- The patient has skeletal and dental class I
- Dentally: the patient has dental anterior cross-bites including the upper permanent central incisors in the lingual position which requiring immediate
- reatment as soon as possible to solve the cross-bite & align lower incisors which are labially proclined
- 1st permanent molars are in class I(trend toward class III by using E-space)
- Esthetically: correction of the upper incisors position will improve upper lip position & appearance
- The patient has normal growth development
Treatment Plan
- Dental fillings for lower permanent 1st molars
- Periodontal consultation for lower incisors gingival recession
- Correction of anterior cross-bite by using upper removable orthodontic appliance
- The patient may need later at permanent dentition period, fixed orthodontic therapy for levelling & alignment of teeth & finalize the dental occlusion