Class II Growth Case

  • The patient is in the early mixed dentition period
  • Class II Molar relationship bilateral
  • Crowding in the upper & lower anterior dental arch
  • Increased overjet (9mm as from the study model & clinical assessment)
  • Deep overbite
  • V shape upper dental arch showing maxillary constriction at the anterior region
  • Most of the milky teeth are heavily filled with dental restorations(amalgam & composite) indicating questionable prognosis
  • Skeletal class II due to the vertical growth pattern of the mandible & counterclockwise rotation of the maxillary plane which may not be corrected by growth
  • Dental class II div. 1 associated with deep over-bite
Treatment Plan

Two steps skeletal class II treatment by using:

  • In the 1st step (orthopaedic Rx) to use class II functional appliance but after relief crowding of the upper & lower incisors in association with levelling & alignment by using 2×4 fixed orthodontic Appliance first which can be started at the early mixed dentition
  • In the 2nd step at the permanent dentition period to use fixed comprehensive orthodontic appliance therapy