Crowding Non-Extraction Case
- Canine class I, the tendency to class III bilaterally
- Molar class I left side, class III right side ½ cusp mostly due to early loss of milky molar without space maintainer
- Overjet 3mm, Overbite 2mm (clinically & from study model )
- Mild crowding at the lower anterior region & lower premolar area
- LR 2, LL3 are distally tipped. 1mm shift of the lower midline toward left
- Upper incisors are big
- UR3, UL3 are mesially tipped
Diagnosis & Conclusion
- Skeletal class I
- Dental class I
- Mild lower anterior & posterior crowding
- Bolton upper anterior
- The patient dentally & skeletally is class I
- Lower anterior & posterior mild crowding(-3mm) associated with a mild shift of the lower midline toward the left side(-1mm) which indicates space creation
- by interproximal stripping in addition to mild proclination of lower incisors(1-degree proclination).
- Upper anterior bolton (big size upper incisors -2mm ) associated with mild proclination (2 degrees=1mm each side)which indicates also some interproximal stripping
Treatment Plan
Fixed orthodontic appliance therapy for upper & lower dental arches associated with interproximal stripping in upper & lower incisor area.